The Fundamentals of Insurance virtual course has been launched
6 December 2023, Baku: A virtual lesson based on the book "Fundamentals of Insurance" by Tena B. Crews has been filmed within the framework of the project "Improvement of insurance literacy and implementation of awareness-raising, promotional and preventive measures" jointly implemented by the Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijan Insurers Association and the Compulsory Insurance Bureau. The book has been translated and published in Azerbaijani.
The work done using the book "Fundamentals of Insurance" is intended to partially fill the gap in the Azerbaijani academic literature on insurance, as well as to facilitate academic education.
The book consists of 9 chapters, plus accelerated learning materials on specific topics to help students master the courses better. These include Communication, Ethical Principles, Fun Facts, Insurance and Math, Teamwork topics, and more. At the end of each chapter, students are given tasks to assess their level of mastery.
The course and book are intended for use by consumers, including students and those new to the insurance industry. We believe these valuable resources will be important and interesting to users.
The course was launched in December 2023:
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