Request for proposals
1. The Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan is holding an open tender for the procurement of various packaging goods through open tender method in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Public Procurements”.
2. Bids will be opened at 17.00, on 16 April 2025 on the single Internet portal for public procurements ( (hereinafter – Portal).
3. Interested suppliers may obtain the main terms and conditions of the tender by paying AZN350 (three hundred and fifty) through the Portal.
The participation fee is refundable upon the bidder’s request, if the procurement process is canceled, and no re-procurement is conducted.
4. To be eligible, bidders should submit their bids and required documents through the Portal until 17.00, 16 April 2025.
5. The commencement date: from the day of signing the procurement agreement.
6. Delivery of the goods: 1 (one) year from the date of signing the procurement agreement, within 60 (sixty) days based on orders in accordance with the needs of the procuring organization.
7. Evaluation criteria: price factor.
8. Bidders may get all tender-related enquiries and explanations only via the Portal.
Bidders can watch opening and evaluation of bidders via the Portal.
Contact person:
Gunay Alihuseyn Ahmadli
Procurement Specialist
Procurement Committee