TENDER ANNOUNCEMENT on procurement of services for conducting the “Financial behavior and intentions of households” survey for the Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan
1. Pursuant to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Public Procurement”, the Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan is holding an open e-procurement on purchase of the service to conduct the “Financial behavior and intentions of households” survey.
2. The bid will be held at 15.00, on 26 November 2021 over the single Internet portal for public procurements ( (hereinafter – Portal).
3. Only micro, small and medium-sized entities are allowed to the tender.
4. Interested persons may get the Request for Proposals by paying AZN 100 (hundred) worth participation fee to the following account of the Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan through the Asan Payment System:
Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Code 501004, TIN 9900071001
Account: AZ25NABZ01701190000000001944
C/a A AZ74NABZ01451700000000001944
The participation fee is non-refundable.
5. Bidders should submit the following documents via the Portal to be eligible:
- bidder’s full name, Charter, state registration certificate or an excerpt from the public register of legal entities, bank requisites;
- information on the bidder's being a micro, small, medium and large business entity;
- document confirming authorities of persons empowered to sign the bid and procurement agreement;
- the bid in Azerbaijani (to be valid through 12 January 2022);
- bank guarantee in the amount of 1 (one) percent of the bid (as per the RFP);
- bank statement on financial standing over the past one (1) year;
- reference from the relevant public authority on absence of any overdue obligations and other compulsory payments in the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as failure to comply with the Tax Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the last 1 (one) year (excluding the suspension period);
- bidders' experience on the subject of the tender for the last 2 (two) years and information on key corporate clients (name, address and contact telephone number);
- information on the software to be used by the bidder on the subject of the tender (SPSS, PASW Statistics, Rython, Spark SQL and others of this type) and the principle of its operation;
- a letter of recommendation issued by at least 2 (two) corporate clients who are not related to the bidder or do not exercise significant control over them;
- number of households and regional selection plan for this number (according to the plan attached to the RFP);
- other information required on the bidder’s qualification as indicated in the RFP.
6. Bidders may deliver bids and bank guarantee until 18.00, 25 November 2021, and other required documents no later than 15.00, 17 November 2021 via the Portal.
7. Term of performance: 4 times during 2022 (in March, June, September and December) from the date of signing the procurement agreement.
8. Evaluation criteria: financial factor and work experience (number of corporate clients served on similar works).
9. Bidders may get all tender related enquiries and explanations only via the Portal.
Bidders can watch opening and evaluation of bids via the Portal.
Tender Committee